Passgage logosu tamamen beyaz yazı ve beyaz simgeden oluşuyor

If you're putting employee engagement on the back burner, you're loosing money.

Let’s Change This Together…

Make your employees feel part of the company wherever they are in the world with the social media module, surveys, feedback channels and communication networks that can be customised according to your needs. Maximise productivity and profitability with an effective corporate culture.

Renkli mobil bankacılık uygulaması arayüzlerini görüntüleyen iki akıllı telefon, üzerinde dairesel turuncu bir logo bulunan beyaz bir arka planda eğilmiş ve üst üste biniyor.

Do you still think that employee engagement is a 'nice-to-have' concept?

Employee engagement is not among the priorities of companies. However, increasing employee turnover rate, weakening customer service, decreasing productivity, increasing problems in management and leadership show that lack of employee engagement causes serious costs and losses for companies. 

Strengthen your corporate culture with Passgage's effective communication tools!

Inbound and Outbound Calls
We increase internal communication and sharing.
We bring your company with thousands of employees together with the mobile application through common social networks. In this way, you can increase interaction and make your employees feel that they are a valuable part of your company wherever they are in the world.
Inbound and Outbound Calls
We make your employees voices heard.
We create communication channels where your employees can share their problems, ideas and successes. In this way, you can make your employees feel that their voices are heard and you can take faster action on the issues you need to intervene
Omnichannel Communication
We solve the turnover problem for you.
We provide the insight necessary for the development of your corporate culture and bring you and your employees together. You can see the steps that will make your employees happy and reduce resignation rates with effective steps.
Inbound and Outbound Calls
We bring your company with thousands of employees together with the mobile application through common social networks. In this way, you can increase interaction and make your employees feel that they are a valuable part of your company wherever they are in the world.
Omnichannel Communication
We create communication channels where your employees can share their problems, ideas and successes. In this way, you can make your employees feel that their voices are heard and you can take faster action on the issues you need to intervene.
Reporting & Performance
We provide the insight necessary for the development of your corporate culture and bring you and your employees together. You can see the steps that will make your employees happy and reduce resignation rates with effective steps.

Social Media Module

Offer a closed-circuit social media application exclusively for you via Passgage mobile application. Share and celebrate your special moments on a single platform from the highest level of your company’s management to the lowest level.
Sarı saçlı, pembe kazaklı neşeli genç bir kadın akıllı telefonuna bakarken gülümsüyor. sade bir arka planın önünde duruyor, görsel olarak kitap okuyor veya mesaj atıyor.

İpekyol loved the social media module! Here is why…

- Employee


He shared his sales record on the social media module. He is very happy that the general manager likes his achievements!
- HR Director


She checks the posts of the employees before they are published. She is very happy to create an effective company culture with all units!

- Company Owner


She follows the achievements of employees instantly. She is very happy that she can see the employees who stand out!

Survey Module

Find out the opinions and thoughts of your employees on certain issues with surveys that you will send regularly.

Düşünceli bir ifadeye sahip, gözlüklü ve açık mavi gömlekli bir adam, kolunu çaprazlamış, üzerinde Türkçe'nin en iyi karaoke şarkısını soran bir anket sorusu bulunan bir grafiğin yanında duruyor.

Doluca loved the survey module! Here is why…

- Employee


He voted in the cafeteria evaluation survey. He is very happy to be included in decisions in processes that affect him!

- HR Director


She creates surveys on every subject with the mobile application. She is very happy that she can easily identify the points that need to be improved!

- Company Owner


She regularly follows the opinions and suggestions of employees. She is very happy to create a sense of belonging!

Feedback Module

Learn about blocked workflows and more by creating feedback tools about business processes or people.

Siyah ceketli profesyonel bir kadın, çeşitli kategorilerin ve bir metin kutusunun yer aldığı Türkçe müşteri geri bildirim formunun görüntülendiği dijital arayüzün yanında kendinden emin bir şekilde duruyor.

AVVA loves the feedback module! Here is why…

- Employee


He shared with his manager what he thought caused slowdown in sales processes. He is very happy to feel that he contributed to the company processes!

- HR Director


She easily identified the processes that were failing in the departments. She is very happy that she can correct the situation by taking quick action!

- Company Owner


She was able to easily access evaluations on the status of people and tasks. She is very happy that performance and productivity have increased!

Privileges Module

As one of the brands in the Passgage ecosystem, offer your employees special discounts and gifts from other brands.

Neşeli bir genç adam, renkli alışveriş çantaları ve indirim sembolleriyle çevrili, kulaklıklarda %20 indirim ve oyun kumandası için gösterilen reklamın yanında baş parmağını kaldırıyor.

Bahçeşehir University loved the privileges module! Here is why…

- Employee


He bought the shoes he wanted with a 50% discount. He is very happy to have access to discounted prices in full season!

- HR Director


She created special discount codes for her employees. She is very happy to be able to provide additional rights to personal rights!

- Company Owner


Provided new advantages to her employees without additional payments. She is very happy that the motivation of the employees has increased!

Digital Business Card Module

Easily create a digital business card from the mobile app and easily share your contact details via QR code.

Elinde akıllı telefon tutan neşeli bir kadın, yanında görüntülenen, çeşitli uygulama simgelerini ve kullanıcı profilini gösteren büyük bir telefon ekranına bakıyor.

AVVA loves the digital business card module! Here is why…

- Employee


He easily updated his changed e-mail address on his digital business card. He is very happy not to wait for printing time to update his information!

- HR Director


Distributed business cards easily through the application. She is very happy to contribute to sustainability by using less paper!

- Company Owner


Easily created business cards for thousands of employees. She is very happy to get rid of the cost of card printing!

Career Opportunity Module

Allow your employees to discover positions within the company and recommend them to their friends on the portal you have created for new career opportunities.

Sakallı, kendinden emin bir şekilde gülümseyen, kırmızı gömlek giyen genç bir adam, sarı zemin üzerine "i̇lana başvuru" başlıklı dijital formun yanında duruyor. form, e-posta ve belge yüklemeleri için alanlar içerir.

Doluca loved the career opportunity module! Here is why…

- Employee


He applied for a specialist position for which he met the required qualifications. He is very happy to have the opportunity to move up within the company!

- HR Director


She made an agreement with a candidate from within the company for a newly opened position. She is very happy to realise the potential of her employees!

- Company Owner


It created awareness of promotion within the company. She is very happy that the motivation of the employees has increased!

Eureka! Module

Create a communication channel for employees to share their ideas on issues they can improve. In this way, make room for new ideas by encouraging their creativity.

Kısa saç kesimli, gülümseyen genç bir kadın, bir fikri simgeleyen bir ampul simgesini yukarı doğru işaret ediyor. mavi noktalı beyaz bir gömlek giyiyor ve mor logolu sarı bir arka planın önünde duruyor.

Başparmak loved the Eureka! module! Here is why…

- Employee


He shared the slogan he came up with for the new year campaign in the I Found It! module. He is very happy to be a part of the story!

- HR Director


She got inspiring ideas for her new social responsibility project. She is very happy to improve creativity by increasing communication between departments!

- Company Owner


With the suggestions she received, she developed new methods to improve customer needs. She is very happy to be ahead of her competitors by increasing her business performance!

Co-Pilot Module

Assign an experienced employee as a co-pilot to help new employees in their orientation process and accelerate their adaptation period.

İki genç yetişkin, bereli bir adam ve mavi kazaklı bir kadın gülümsüyor ve birlikte tablete bakıyor. yanlarında mavi bir arka plan üzerinde stilize edilmiş bir pano ve hedef simgesi yüzüyor.

İpekyol loved the Co-Pilot module! Here is why…

- Employee


He received information from his co-pilot not only about his job but also about the work culture. He is very happy to know his organisation more easily!

- HR Director


It made orientation processes much more effective. She is very happy that it enables new employees to adapt quickly!

- Company Owner


She observed that work transfers were faster and more accurate. She is very happy that the error rate of new employees has decreased!

Mood Module

Increase internal motivation and cope with change fatigue easily with surveys to determine the moods of your employees.

Kolları ve yüzü olan, neşeli, hareketli bir kalp karakterinin, "bugün sakladım harika paralar" başlıklı ve "gönder" yazılı butonun yer aldığı dijital ruh hali takip arayüzü.

Benetton loved the mood module! Here is why…

- Employee


He was worried about the change of manager. He is very happy to know that his feelings will be evaluated!

- HR Director


She identified incompetent managers with the insight she got from the emotional states of the employees. She is very happy that she can identify and solve problems more easily!

- Company Owner


She found the reasons why employees resign due to mood data. She is very happy that she can take steps to prevent turnover!

Ethic Line Module

Give your employees the opportunity to share bad experiences without fear of dismissal by providing a communication channel where they can post anonymously.

Türkçe bir mobil uygulama arayüzünün ekran görüntüsü. Uygulama, çeşitli sorular için metin giriş alanları ve altta bir 'gönder' düğmesi bulunan turuncu ve beyaz bir renk şemasına sahiptir.

Doluca loved the ethical line module! Here is why…

- Employee


He made an ethics hotline report about the mobbing he experienced. He is very happy that he can tell the situation without being identified!

- HR Director


She immediately identified ethical problems in the departments. She is very happy to provide a safe working environment by solving the problems quickly!

- Company Owner


She ensured that the company fulfils its legal responsibilities on time. She is very happy to protect the company’s image!

We Strengthened Together by Increasing Employee Loyalty....

It’s Your Turn: Let’s Strengthen Your Human Resources Together!
Leading companies of the sector strengthen their human resources with technology by using Passgage, which is customised according to the needs of their institutions.