Passgage logosu tamamen beyaz yazı ve beyaz simgeden oluşuyor

Late interventions in performance management reduces productivity by 66%.

We fix this.

With the instant control and access tools provided by Passgage through the mobile application and panel, track the performance of your employees in daily, weekly and monthly periods with a single click. Reach your goals by increasing company productivity with timely interventions.

Renkli mobil bankacılık uygulaması arayüzlerini görüntüleyen iki akıllı telefon, üzerinde dairesel turuncu bir logo bulunan beyaz bir arka planda eğilmiş ve üst üste biniyor.

Aren't you tired of performance management tools that do not increase productivity?

With vague criteria, infrequent appraisals only once or twice a year, outdated data and inadequate feedback, standard performance management practices cannot provide the support and insight required for companies to meet their targets.

Get empowered with Passgage, the HR super application customised in line with your goals!

Inbound and Outbound Calls
We increase productivity with instant tracking and feedback.
Unlike standard performance tracking software, we provide the most up-to-date and accurate data with Passgage mobile application. In this way, you can evaluate the performance of your employees in short periods and make the right interventions.
Inbound and Outbound Calls
We maximise performance with tasks..
You can increase performance with daily, weekly or monthly tasks that you will assign to your employees, and you can provide real-time control with instant notifications from the panel.
Omnichannel Communication
We create time for appreciation..
We encourage you to appreciate your employees by facilitating the processes with Passgage. In this way, you can motivate your employees who show high performance and make it a part of your culture.
Inbound and Outbound Calls
Unlike standard performance tracking software, we provide the most up-to-date and accurate data with Passgage mobile application. In this way, you can evaluate the performance of your employees in short periods and make the right interventions.
Omnichannel Communication
You can increase performance with daily, weekly or monthly tasks that you will assign to your employees, and you can provide real-time control with instant notifications from the panel.
Reporting & Performance
We encourage you to appreciate your employees by facilitating the processes with Passgage. In this way, you can motivate your employees who show high performance and make it a part of your culture.

KPI Module

Create a brand new performance management system in line with your corporate culture by creating goals in line with the objectives of your organisation.

Gözlüklü ve sakallı, parlak turuncu bir kazak giyen ve kırmızı bir çanta taşıyan, akıllı telefonuna bakan gülümseyen adam. arka plan grafikleri bir bulut, veritabanı ve uygulama simgelerini içerir.

İpekyol loved the KPI module! Here is why…

- Employee


He receives regular feedback about his performance. He is very happy that he can follow his development and is appreciated!

- HR Director


It measures the performance of employees with real-time data. She is very happy that she can create effective roadmaps to increase productivity!

- Company Owner


Controls company targets instantly. She is very happy that she can make timely and effective interventions!

Reminder Module

Stay in touch at all times with effective planning thanks to the reminder module that automatically analyses many activities such as upcoming deadlines, meetings, shift and task assignments.

Gri kazaklı, gülümseyen bir adam masada oturuyor, elinde bir kahve kupası tutuyor ve web sayfası açık olan bir dizüstü bilgisayara bakıyor. sağ üst köşede turuncu bir daire üzerinde beyaz "p" harfi bulunan kırmızı bir logo var.

Doluca loves the reminder module! Here is why…

- Employee


He monitors shift, meeting and task assignments instantly. He is very happy that he does not need to allocate extra time for this!

- HR Director


She makes collective and fast announcements about in-company events and announcements. She is very happy because it increases communication and coordination between departments!

- Company Owner


She checks internal announcements and plans from the mobile application. She is very happy that she can easily follow workflows!

Kudos Module

Recognise the achievements of your employees with just a few clicks. Make success a part of your corporate culture by increasing motivation.

Uzun kahverengi saçlı, gülümseyen, beyaz gömlek ve kot pantolon giyen genç bir kadın dua eden veya yalvaran bir poz veriyor. "beğen" emoji grafiğiyle mavi bir arka planın üzerine bindirilmiştir.

AVVA loves the kudos module! Here is why…

- Employee


He received an appreciation message for completing his sales targets in a short time. He is very happy that his achievements are recognised by the company!

- HR Director


She observed that the performance of employees who received appreciation increased. She is very happy for creating a success-oriented corporate culture!

- Company Owner


She congratulated the employees who achieved their goals with a single click. She is very happy that it strengthens teamwork and increases motivation!

Strengthened Together with Performance Management....

It’s Your Turn: Let’s Strengthen Your Human Resources Together!
Leading companies of the sector strengthen their human resources with technology by using Passgage, which is customised according to the needs of their institutions.